About Us
Establishment of IKPI
IKPI was established on August 27, 1965 on the initiative of Mr. J. Sopaheluwakan, Drs. A. Rahmat Abdisa, Erwin Halim, and A.J.L. Loing and Mr. Drs. Hidayat Saleh, who at the time served as Director of Regional Development, Directorate General of Taxation was appointed as honorary chairman.
During the Directorate General of Taxation led by Mr. Drs. Sutadi Sukarya, namely around the 70s, tax consultants began to be active.
The IKPI Congress was first held on October 31, 1975 in Jakarta by agreeing on the name of the organization to be Ikatan Konsulen Pajak Indonesia. Furthermore, through the Congress on November 21, 1987 in Bandung, the name of the organization was changed to Ikatan Konsultan Pajak Indonesia abbreviated to IKPI.
IKPI is currently a forum for professional associations of tax consultants throughout Indonesia in the form of incorporated Associations.
Vision, Mission and Objectives
- Make IKPI a world-class tax consulting organization.
- To make IKPI an independent and professional tax consultant association.
Purpose of the Association
- Maintaining the overall dignity and improving the quality of the profession of Tax Consultant in the framework of his devotion to the Nation and State;
- Supervise and strive for the implementation of tax laws and tax regulations to apply fairly and with legal certainty; and
- Fostering and strengthening the sense of friendship and sense of kinship between members to realize the unity and unity of members.
To achieve the objectives of the Association above in its long journey IKPI has conducted various activities both in the local and international scene and established cooperation with related associations
Association Regulations
IKPI Association Regulation is a written regulation produced by the Extraordinary Congress/ Congress, namely:
- Articles of Association as the constitution and legal basis of the Association,
- Bylaws is the regulation of the implementation of the Articles of Association which is a unity with the Articles of Association;
- The Code of Ethics is a moral and behavioral rule that becomes a guideline for Members of the Association in thinking, acting and acting in, carrying out the profession as a Tax Consultant;
- Professional Standard is the minimum professional capability limit that must be mastered by members of the Association in carrying out their professional activities; Dan
- Other provisions set out in the Extraordinary Congress.
Association Symbol
The coat of arms is a logo that reads "IKPI is green with 2 (two) wavy lines underneath in black and yellow. This symbol has the following meanings or meanings:

IKPI with uppercase and sturdy letters show the mature IKPI.
GREEN means growth, meaning that IKPI will continue to grow bigger and stronger.
WAVE means ocean/water, meaning IKPI socializes with people around the world, not limited to Indonesia.
Mars Association
IKPI has a Mars Association, called "Mars IKPI", with poems written by IKPI members namely Ibu Marta Leviana and arrasemen by Ir. Herbert S. Mars, which was sung for the first time in Congress XI Batu, East Java.
Members of the Association
Members of the Association or Members are individuals who meet the requirements as members of the Association based on the provisions of the Articles of Association and Bylaws of the Association. IKPI members consist of:
- A Permanent Member is an individual who has a tax consultant's license and is registered with a member registration number
- A Limited Member is an individual who already has a Tax Consultant certificate, is registered with a member registration number, and does not yet have a tax consultant's license; and
- Honorary Members are individuals who have the ability and expertise in the field of taxation and / or participate in maintaining and advancing the association appointed based on the Decision of the Central Board.
From time to time the number of IKPI members continues to grow in line with public confidence in IKPI, until as of August 11, 2020 the number of IKPI members has reached 5,040 people spread throughout Indonesia.
Organ Association
The association organ is the IKPI association device consisting of:
- Extraordinary Congress is a meeting of members of the Association that has the highest authority and power in the Association
- The Board of Association is an Organ of the Association that carries out the duties and functions of the Management of the Association consisting of the Central Board, Regional Management, and Branch Managers
- The Supervisor of the Association is an Organ of the Association that performs the duties of supervision and provides advice to the Board of Executives in carrying out the management of the Association consisting of the Chairman of the Supervisors
Extraordinary Congress
Congress is a meeting of members of the Association that has the highest authority and power in the Association as stipulated in the Articles of Association and Bylaws of the Association and held every 5 (five) years
Extraordinary Congress is a congress held in exceptional circumstances as stipulated in the Rules of the Association.
IKPI Office
After several years of not having its own building as its secretariat office, thank God in 2015 IKPI has had its own office building, namely on Jl. Condet Pejaten No.3B, West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, and in 2019 after a long journey can finally receive back Ruko Graha Mas Fatmawati Blok B 4-5 and on February 27, 2020 was established and inaugurated as IKPI Education and Training Center.